Besides that, build the support programme that support families. The government and non-government also must build this programme to give the skill to parents on how to care and teach their children. For examples, parents education, respite care services and community center programme can help parents to develop new parenting skill, especially they can learn how to manage and control their emotions. So parents must donate their time and money to join the programs.
Furthermore, report suspected and neglect. Community members must be concerned about their neighbour, know their neighbour names and the name of their children. As a community members also we must cooperate to call the police or report to local child welfare agency when a child is being abused or neglected. Therefore if community members doing so it can may save a child and families.
Moreover, the role of school counsellor is important. School counsellors or teachers must help to educate their students, give motivation and give advise if students have problem. Teachers also must be cooperate with parents through PIBG and plan some activities that involve parents and their children. So that it can make a good relationship between them. As a result child abuse cases can be prevented.
Lastly, the role of media. Electronic and print media must advertise about child abuse whether the causes, the effects or the signs if the child is being abused and give tips how to solve this problem. Media such as internet or television must show drama about child abuse, so that the parents and public are alert and more aware about this case.
- example image of solution child abuse:
responsible of parents:
MERA: Who are involved must solve this problem and I hope they must cooperate to decrease these cases
ReplyDeleteMERA: I already put the image of child abuse solution including posters, pamplets, and the responsibility of parents. what do you think? It's ok or not?
ReplyDeleteMERA: I think the image must be put in the power point to present. what you all think?
ReplyDeleteEIYDA: yes, I agree with you. especialy parents must know their responsibilities and must care for their children full of love and no more abuse. hmm, I think it is almost complete, we can put it in our slide in the last part.
ReplyDeleteATIKAH: thank you for your suggestion, as my part, I will try to think more about the solutions, so that public can learn and apply in their live
ReplyDelete~Child Abuse ~ Thank you for the website I am using this for my conflict. My conflict is about Child Abuse nationwide and what people can do to make this a better tomorrow. I am giving you the credit because I can not take this as my own and besides I need resources also. I believe we can stop the Abuse anyway we can. Honestly I am not doing this just because it's a great topic or because I think I will get an A. I am doing this because I think more people need to know about child Abuse and what we can do to stop it.
ReplyDeletewhat do do when victime of violence when father has status in society?What is the solution to stop it ?