Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Child abuse is one of the biggest problems faced by people in Malaysia today. This issue actually is not new in our country. Every year the child abuse statistics have increased. This phenomenon is worrying our society. Children with parents that abuse them will turn to a life of crime or suffer physical or mental problems. Almost everyday we hear about this case in print or electronic media. Therefore, we must co operate to solve this problem such as support programms that support families and report suspected abuse and neglect.


  1. MERA: Yesss!!!! We must stop it..Children must have good health and love from parents.... Not life with danger and be afraid...

  2. ATIKAH: yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!! I agree with you all.. this situation really serious and we must together to stop it.....

  3. YAZID:Mostly child abuse case is caused by parents or caregiver,so I think the major problem is their family or caregiver..am I right?

  4. ATIKAH:Maybe you are right Yazid..Today people are so materialistic especially parents..They only think about their works and not give much attention to their children..If they have problems in their work, they will hit and abuse their children...

  5. MERA: I totally agree with yo Yazid..Parents are close with the daughter.Nowadays,parents always release tension to their daughter if have any problems.But have another reason why child abuse happen..Maybe parent have a story about the background during their younger days suffer trauma...Sometimes child abuse increase because of the way public look at this this problem and not critical.Public nowadays are selfish and less cooperative to solve this problem....

  6. EIYDA: I almost agree with all of you..Parents must give some education and love to their children not treat them that will give negative effects to their futures..Parents must think rationally and not make their victim of their problems.
